Join Nevada's Largest Non MLS Brokerage
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Keep your Nevada Real Estate license active without MLS fees, association dues or Realtor expenses
Discover the easiest way to keep your license active without the stress of membership fees
- • Tired of the fees, dues & expenses?
- • Not using your license right now?
- • Inactive or leaving real estate?
- • Moving, retiring or taking a break?

Sell Real Estate without being a member of the MLS
- Continue to generate income using your license without the fees
- •Keep your real estate license active
- •Sell real estate with standardized forms
- •Sell New Homes
- •Refer in all 50 states
- •Represent yourself in any real estate transaction
- •Partner with local real estate licensees to practice real estate

Modern & Digital Brokerage
- Key Advantage partners with Docusign & EChecks
- • Always seamless state and customer paperwork via docusign
- • All commission checks and referral fees are sent via Echeck

Are you a new licensee, who's ready to get started? Or a transferring licensee looking for a fresh start?
Hang Your License with Our Referral Brokerage
MLS-Free Options to Help Earn More Money with Your License
The brokerage completes all initial license forms, transfer forms or contractual paperwork via Docusign which promotes quick submission of documents.
Our brokerage is proud to offer license hanging and referral service to all Nevada Real Estate licensees. At our firm, we give you the option to benefit from brokerage-level support and network listings, without the additional fees. Getting started as a new agent doesn't come cheap, but when you hang your license with Key Advantage, you can activate your license to start earning commissions without having to worry about paying MLS membership dues.
Whether you're an experienced Nevada Real Estate agent or a new licensee, our firm can help you improve ROI on licensing costs, maintain an active license status, and make more money.

Current Members
Key Advantage LLC maintains one of the largest real estate referral networks in Nevada. Key Advantage NOW allows the practice of real estate without MLS membership. In addition to allowing traditional representation, the brokerage pays out unprecedented referral fees to referring licensees who hang their license with Key Advantage. Once a written referral is supplied to the brokerage, the referring licensee is immediately verified as the procuring cause for the lead through a brokerage representative returned signature.
Current Members
New Licensees
Key Advantage LLC is a great brokerage for new licensees. The startup and maintenance fees associated with maintaining a Nevada brokerage can be costly. Key Advantage LLC offers affordable plans to establish and maintain a Nevada real estate license. The brokerage offers both referral / license hanging and non-MLS practicing real estate options.
Activate Your Real Estate License
Transferring Licensees
Key Advantage LLC has been the choice for many licensees who seek a more cost-effective way to maintain the Nevada real estate license. The brokerage offers both referral/license hanging and non MLS practicing real estate options. Click below to view the contract, policies, and steps to transfer an existing Nevada real estate license to Key Advantage and non MLS practicing real estate options.